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How do we gauge how much water we lose through sweat? Thirst is one, but sometimes our thirst mechanism may not be sensitive enough,   to remind us to drink enough. So we turn to our kidneys for help. They can be a good guide to whether there is enough water in the body. If the body is dehydrated, our kidneys will try to hold on to as much water as possible. Decreased urine production, urine concentrated in color, and a strong urine odour  are signs that the kidneys are trying to conserve the body’s water supply. Urine is clear when there is enough fluid in the body.
A good guide is drink enough water to make the urine clear, and make sure the body is producing sweat. If you are taking medications for conditions such as diabetes,  kidney problems, or congestive heart failure you need to be especially careful about your fluid intake, and discuss how to avoid hot-weather related problems with your doctor first.

So fill up your water bottle and enjoy!